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Conception Care

Ruth Sharkey, Dennis Sharkey, herbal medicine, fertility, herbal baby, Gold Coast, infertiliy, coneption care

The original 'Baby Maker'

A late 1990's interview with Channel Nine's 'A Current Affair with Ray Martin', when we were only up to 3000 successful pregnancies, not the clinic's over 5000 when Ruth and Dennis retired to Tasmania.

Angelart Holistic
Angelart, Ruth Sharkey

Fill out a contact form for conception care or other herbal assistance from Ruth & Dennis' daughter Angela Sharkey-McPherson

Get in touch

Sample Basel Temperature Chart

Sample Basel Chart, Ruth Sharkey
Ruth was the first to be dubbed 'the Australian Baby Maker'' thanks to Channel Nine's Brisbane Extra and A Current Affair and Channel Seven's Today Tonight.

When Ruth found her workload shifted to mainly conception care, Dennis took over the care of all other complaints. They retired from clinic work when they sold their clinic in 2004.

Their daughter Angela McPherson worked alongside them from age 10 through all aspects of the clinic and manufacturing, started her herbal medicine studies at 17 before life took her on a different journey. Now a qualified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Theta Healing™ practitioner, she has come back to complete her Advance Diplomas of Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine, and with Ruth and Dennis as her mentors, has picked up the challenge of assisting patients experiencing difficulty in conception.

As they all now live in beautiful Tasmania, and the majority of their patients reside interstate, they conduct all consultations via Skype, phone, email and snail mail. Just as in face-to-face consultations, all patients are required to complete an extensive questionnaire prior to their first consultation. This is conducted jointly with Angela and Ruth and can take approximately ½ to 1 hour depending on the patient’s requirements.


As fertility has to do with two partners - not just one –they recommend both partners to complete this (it is often unknown that 60% of fertility and pregnancy issues can be related to sperm abnormalities etc.). By knowing what is happening for you both will make it much easier to address any hidden factors which may be affecting your chances of conception and/or maintaining a viable pregnancy.

For fertility issues we would also need to monitor the female hormone production with daily temperature charts (taken orally).  As it normally takes at least 3 months to bring the hormones back into balance (a female cycle being approximately 28 days gives us 3 cycles to evaluate via the charts; and for males it takes 72 days for new production of sperm), this would need to be done for at least that amount of time. 

A herbal formula is then prepared for the individual requirements of each patient and forward overnight via Australia Post.

In approximately six weeks when the formula is nearing the bottom of

the bottle, the patents will be required to send in the requested data they have been keeping. Their progress is discussed at the next and subsequent consultation/s with Ruth and Angela and their formula adjusted to maintain a steady improvement.

If you require assistance in this area please fill in the contact from above for the questionnare and Angela will be in touch.

Recommened Reading

Ruth Sharkey &
Coningham Health Hub

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